

Location: The Information Super Highway Baby!

Okay so this is like a mini-blog post that I started a while ago but didn't flesh out. Here it is anyway.

Fanfare! and the Sansa TakeTV. This is an interesting idea that allows you to utilize a usb memory key style device and upload video content to it then watch it directly on a tv screen. Of course with things like Hulu
coming out and full line ups of TV programs on the ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX sites it doesn't seem like a necessary gadget. Of course Gadgets rarely are. Right Inspector?

Really expensive Fish & Chips! Okay, if you have to go restaurants that don't serve anything under $8 try this one. Here's their menu.

The Free Way!

Why Opensourceshakespeare Rocks. For those of you who don't know, I'm sometime a Shakespeare nerd. This site is one of the best, if not THE best on the net for searching through the Bard's brilliance.

And Don't Forget to NOT reserve your copy of: Guitar Hero III. Yeah, that's right. The game is lame. If you liked playing Guitar Hero II you probably own it and well get as much satisfaction out of that as if you bought the new game. Which is lame. Save your money for Rock Band. Now, this game is going to be awesome. I like to think of it as Karaoke Band-in-a-Box. Reserve your copy of this mega-gaming-goodness NOW.

Download the internet!

Extremely nerdy. Which is why I laughed when I saw it.

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