
Blah, Blah, Blog

Location: The Outskirts of Kid Nation

It's a lonely desolate Kid Infested Nation on the couch tonight. It's Election night! Who's going to stay on the council and who's going to be voted off? Who gets the Gold Star? Oh, they just told me... awesome. Which is one of those banned words.

I don't know if this is still relevant or not, but it seems like a good idea:
Passionatley pink Flickr Pool.

I met with Azra earlier today to work on a film/digi-vid she's working on for a production class. It's about a relationship destroyed by drunkenness and miscommunication. Just like why our relationship with Iran is running afoul. Lay off the sauce Bush and Ahmadi-Nejad. Great now the Secret Service is checking out my blog. Well, NOW they are. Speaking of which some of you might be interested in Henry Kissenger. Or maybe not. Maybe you're more interested in why Windows XP's built in Wireless Zero Configuration service pretty much... hmmm... how to put this politely: Destroys Any Semblance of maintaining a Consistent and Reliable Wireless connection. Use your wireless adapter's, or built in wireless adapter's configuration utility and you will enjoy uninterrupted wireless access. Okay, that's enough abuse of the blogging pulpit. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah that's right. The 6 Degrees of Separation. Not the Kevin Bacon Game. The Game where you find out in Albuquerque that every (Kid Nation just ended. Show me the previews for next week!) one you see is removed from you somehow by at MOST 6 other people. This rule is proven to me on an almost daily basis now. Hooray!

Did I mention I'm moving to Korea?

Hey Folks! Don't forget to check out the blogs that I've linked to:

My Good Friend and Mentor Scot Key's: 'Burque Babble
And my Crazy Friend and Nemesis Hung Truong's solipsistic: Hung Truong: The Blog

Well, HELL's Kitchen is on right now. Which reminds me: I'm Hungry. Time to get some real food. Not this TV Dinner fare...

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1 comment:

Hung said...

I'm honored to be called your nemesis. BTW, what's up with you? I haven't "talked" to you in like, years!!!